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Crusader Kings 2 Crusades

Download Crusader Kings II Download and play today. The Dark Ages might be drawing to a close, but Europe is still in turmoil. Petty lords vie against beleaguered kings who struggle to assert control over their fragmented realms. The Pope calls for a Crusade to protect the Christians in the Holy Land even as he refuses to relinquish control over the investiture of bishops - and their riches.

A game of Crusade Kings II takes place on an overhead map of Europe, but the borders of the countries - and counties, baronies, duchies, etc. are secondary to the main thrust of the game. Essentially, you control a 'dynasty,' that is, a single family line through a five-hundred-year-ish period of European history.

Your goal is to increase your family's honor, prestige, standing, land holdings, and power through multiple generations of sons, nephews, daughters, and intermarriage.But Crusader Kings II is no simple pass-the-torch exercise, it's far too deep and challenging an experience for that. Even if you build up your wealth under one family member, that person is sure to die sooner or later, leaving a bevy of decisions in terms of inheritance, divvying up of hereditary lands, pretenders to the throne, and just about every Byzantine (forgive the pun) machination you can think of.

Fortunately, your decisions when running your family line aren't solely your own. Crusader Kings II provides a variety of advisor slots that you can fill with characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Diplomacy and military conflict are options for exercising your will outside your demesne, but within it, you'll need your advisors to help you choose how to build up your economy (by choosing various improvements to build in your provinces), deal with the pettier nobility, marry off you and your children, and to protect you from being assassinated.That probably sounds overwhelming – and at first it is. But you can take comfort that Crusader Kings II comes with a pretty comprehensive tutorial, and absolutely enormous help resource: just about every button and statistic in the game has a rollover tooltip that will explain what it does and what changes will occur if you select it. You can also take comfort in the fact that the more you play the game, the more entertainment you'll derive from it, and the more you'll want to play. Sure, some aspects of the game are abstract in the extreme, for example, the effect that certain personal characteristics like wrathful vs.

Patient personalities will have in 'real world,' practical terms can be hard to discern. But for the most part, if it's going to make a difference, you'll come to understand what that difference is and whether or not you want it to be made, and you'll soon find yourself parsing data like the characters in the Matrix: it's gobbledygook to outsiders, but to a seasoned pro like you, it's a beautiful masterpiece.Keep in mind that, while Crusader Kings II is technically a real-time strategy game, there's very little in the way of hands-dirty micromanagement or rapid clicking going on. Mostly you click a button that moves your dynasty toward or away from a certain set of policies, or you initiate a process that third-parties will handle the dirty work of, and then you sit back and deal with events as they unfold.

The game presents you with alert messages for important events – that you handle according to your whims – but, for the most part, things are controlled only at a very high level. But don't think you'll get bored just handling high-level stuff: this really is like being the king of your own castle, you'll soon be accosted by so many simultaneous events that you'll find hours going by like minutes as you make your choices. While events unfold in Europe that sometimes accord with real history and sometimes don't, it does help to have a basic grasp of who's who in Europe at this time (which the game will teach you) and some overall sense of what you want to accomplish in a given playthrough.

Because things are so high level, victory conditions are much more subjective in Crusader Kings II than in your average strategy title. Does winning for you mean taking over the whole of the British Isles?

Or maintaining a continuous line of male heirs for five centuries? It's this wonderful sort of freedom to play how you wish, grounded in the concerns of the real world, that make Crusader Kings II so enjoyable. 7 Presentation While the game can overwhelm you at first, Paradox gives you all the tools and interface options you'll need to get acclimated. 5 Graphics This is not a game that's going to wow you with its look or its flashy set pieces.

Truth is, visual pizzazz is just not what Crusader Kings II is about. 7 Sound Crusader Kings II doesn't feature much in the way of sound effects or voice acting, but it does feature a lot of surprisingly high-quality, period-appropriate music.

9 Gameplay This game is a strategy grognard's dream. Part of what makes it so interesting is that you control not a country or an empire, but a family dynasty that transcends national boundaries. 9 Lasting Appeal Along with the deep single-player experience, Crusader Kings II also has a competitive (or co-operative, up to you) multiplayer game mode. Each playthrough is always a bit different.

Of Paradox's Grand Strategy titles, I dare to say that Crusader Kings II is the most unique. Essentially character based, it astoundingly simulates the interpersonal nature of politics in the Middle Ages before the advent of “nation-states”. The sweeping, human narratives and dramatic turns blur the line between RPG and Strategy without ever losing its 'Grand' pedigree.

To be truly successful in this game requires more than just careful logistical planning of troops and supplies: it also requires playing the great chess game of courtly life.To that end, my liege, whether you're a new count or a battle-scarred Crusader King, allow me to offer some of the most important tips for the novice and veteran alike. Advice is correct as of the most recent patch with all expansions. SUCCESSION YOUR WAY TO SUCCESSUnlike other games both in Paradox's stable and outside of it which ties your fate to a nation, in CKII, your fate is tied to a particular dynasty—and, more specifically, to one person at a time in that dynasty. Thus, even if your great nation controls the known world but your family loses control over any lands, it's “Game over, man. Game over.”Securing that your titles are succeeded by someone in your family becomes your most primal concern at the start of the game and securing that your family succeeds to titles as it grows is one of the best strategies to “peacefully” acquire more control. This is especially important if you're starting a custom character which has no dynasty to rely on.Most of the time, accomplishing this task is simple: get married (make sure it's matrilineal if you're a woman), have children, and sit pretty as you hope your children aren't idiots.

However, here are some nuances to be aware of:. Make sure your spouse loves you. Lavish him or her with gifts and other favours that will entice them to your side. This not only mechanically improves your chances of conceiving, but it also helps to ensure that you are not a poor cuckold. There's no real harm in Family focus for a longer period while you wait for heirs. The diplomacy bonus to it is significant enough to be a good focus in and of itself while helping you to conceive children.

Crusader Kings 2 Crusade Trigger

Don't be afraid to annul marriages that are barren. If you can get your religious head to be on your side to grant you an annulment, do not hesitate. After all, how can a realm breathe with no heir?


Just be aware that divorcing your spouse will enrage their family against you. The only exception is if you're hoping to get a claim on your spouse's demesnes.Finally, and perhaps most 'importantly', change succession laws.

Gavelkind is perhaps the worst possible succession law ever invented by man. Cutting up one's realm between one's heirs is not only detrimental for larger realms that might split into various Kingdoms (and basically set back all the work you've done), but it might cause rivalries between children. Which leads us to our next major tip. ELECTIVE MONARCHY ISN'T SO BADSo long as you can control the majority of the electors through diplomacy or intrigue, Elective Monarchy almost always ensures that you select the best possible heir for your realm. Whether it's pure elective monarchy or the Imperial style of elective, I have found that this succession law helps to select not only well qualified rulers based on stats and traits (while avoiding those insane inbreds, of course), but also grants you the ability to choose young rulers which is essential for building up that long term legacy. Realms are often unstable after a new ruler ascends and Elective Succession Law helps to alleviate this concern by choosing younger candidates who reign far longer on average.The game is all about building and cultivating loyalty and leading through awe rather than mere power. This is the radial ideal of Medieval Imperial ambition.

The problem, of course, is that Elective Monarchy is high risk high reward. You will want to actively kill, exile, or otherwise bribe electors who don't support your candidate or 'eliminate' your rivals that aren't your ideal candidate. However, keep in mind that you don't need to worry so much if it's another family member that is being favoured.

So long as your dynasty is on the throne, that's sufficient and the electors will almost never pick someone “so bad” that you'll immediately be beset by civil war. Don't be too hung up if your ideal heir is not selected so long as he's of your blood. INDEPENDENCE IS OVERRATED; CONQUER FROM WITHINSun Tzu said that to defeat your enemy through great strength is not the onus of Supreme Excellence; Supreme Excellence is to defeat your enemy without lifting a finger. Thus, learn how to “politic” your way to power.Perhaps the best way to explain this tip is to give you an example from one of my playthrough: I started as a lowly count of Santiago who managed to wrest control of the Kingdom of Asturias.

Crusader Kings 2 Crusade War Chest

Unfortunately, the Muslim neighbours to the south were poised to destroy my tiny Kingdom. Instead, as soon as I had control of the crown, I bent the knee to Charlemagne who was all too happy to be my overlord. The Caliphate to the south would not dare entrench themselves in a war against a whole empire so I was safe to scheme from within. Since I was already a Kingdom with various demesnes, I was one of the most powerful vassals of the Emperor and set to work befriending enough nobles in the Empire to be crowned Emperor not too long after.If I had remained independent, I would have had no hope against the Caliphate to the South and the Empire to the North. Instead, by working from within, I was crowned by the Pope. Not too bad for a lowly Count to accomplish in the span of twenty years.

Which leads us to our next tip. TARGET CHARACTERS, NOT INSTITUTIONSYou don't need to win over everyone. Simply win over the appropriate people to get your job accomplished. For example, if you need someone dead, befriend their spymaster. If you need someone deposed, befriend the most powerful vassals in the Kingdom. Focus on quality of characters rather than quantity.

Focus your money on those who have influence and focus your military forces on those who are weak and you will find yourself rising to the heights of power.Learn how to eliminate your rivals and to be selective about who you place in power even if they have great stats. Which dovetails nicely into one of the most important parts about managing your court.CKII IS AN ARTIFICIAL EVOLUTION CHAMBERLike learning how to breed beautiful flowers, playing CKII also invites the player to generate genetically favourable traits. Unlike some traits which are based on personality and experience (like the virtues and vices), some traits are genetic. These include Genius, Tall, Strong etc. If possible, learn how to consistently include these genetic markers into your family line.This hoarding also applies to Bloodlines. Avoid bad traits and bolster good traits.

Always avoid detrimental genetic traits like inbred, but, keep in mind, that choosing between a spouse that might be great genetically and one who has no negatives but is the heir or heiress to a title, it's almost always better to choose to pursue the title to expand your realm. Once you have control of most of the realms of your religion, that's when you can focus on genetic supremacy.

SOMETIMES, REBELLION IS A GOOD THINGStrange, you might say. Yet, I have often intentionally triggered civil wars for myself. If you can be sure of winning a civil war by inciting a faction against yourself, you can actually eliminate the power base of rival dynasties. Whenever you win against a faction or vassal in a war, you can strip their members of one or two titles without suffering penalties and, thus, install one of your loyalists (preferably family members) in their place. This is especially useful if you're looking to replace cultures.Learn how to properly prune out factions in your realm by targeting opponents and inciting them to rebellion by getting reasons to arrest them and attempting to arrest them with an intentionally low chance of success forcing them to raise arms against you. This is also a great way to accelerate cultural assimilation as you can choose a top tier vassal of your culture to lead the new viceroyalty or duchy.Keep in mind that you can also raise your levies and position them in their demesnes even before you send out the arrest order so you can have a huge mobilization advantage over your opponent right in the beginning. WINNING WARS IS SIMPLER THAN YOU THINKUnlike other Paradox titles which require you to strategically deploy troops against fortresses and achieve wargoals, CKII rewards a player for winning decisive engagements.

Huge amounts of “warscore” is awarded if you manage to defeat an enemy “doomstack” (their combined armies in one location): sometimes by as much as fifty percent. By capturing only one castle and squashing the rest of the armies, you could sometimes force a peace. Thus, with no fortresses to get in the way of mobilization, squash the enemy army first, attain a massive advantage in warscore, then while the enemy army is trying to regroup, capture enough castles to force a peace. Take note that you ought not pursue an enemy army too far into enemy territory as attrition will kill you. Wait until the doomstack is visible and then pursue it on your territory.This is, of course, assuming you can defeat the enemy army. Thus, target opponents weaker than you are.

It's easy to check by looking at their ruler and seeing how many levies they can raise in their character profile. Usually, most armies are equivalent in strength so determining by numbers is easy enough.

Avoid fighting those with similar sized armies if you can help it since chance may easily turn your parity into a route. Almost always fight those significantly weaker.If you can't find someone significantly weaker, either wait until they are involved in another war with a powerful opponent, raise religious levies against them if they're of another religion, or build up a massive war chest to employ mercenaries. Mercenaries are more unforgiving in CKII than in most other Paradox games so be careful.The only exception to these tips is for fighting the “bosses” such as the Mongol Hordes, Aztec Invaders, and China. These entities with their special “event troops” don't suffer attrition and are generally of higher quality troops. Defeating them is the true test of a Crusader King and requires careful planning and preparation.Unfortunately, Crusader Kings II is so vast that all the possible tips can't fit into one reading, but we shall cover some more in other articles including tips on how to defeat “bosses” such as China, how to navigate some of the more convoluted event chains (such as the Immortality event chain) as well as the mystic orders and their rewards, and a how-to-guide on creating an immersive storyline to maximize your CKII experience.